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Immersive Soundscapes: Exploring Tasting Shapes' Music"

We've recently added Tasting Shapes to our music database, and we're thrilled that they shared their journey and music with us. Chris chimed in, and Kat gave her approval!

1. How did the band start?

I’ve been writing music for years and I always wanted to release an original album, and back in 2019 I finally found some headspace to commit to pulling it all together. The hardest part was always finding the right vocalist though, I’d just moved back to Edinburgh and didn’t really know any in the area, so I reached out on a few of the local Facebook music groups. I think I referenced John Frusciante as an inspiration in the original post and that’s what prompted Kat to get in touch. We met up for a coffee and I knew right away Kat was someone I could work with and the first time she sent a recording of her singing some of her lyrics over my music, I knew we could create something really special.

2. Tell us about your music

Originally Kat and I were planning on performing as a duo but as we kept writing I could hear other parts in my head, so after a long hiatus during covid, we decided to put together a full band. We drafted my long-time friend Callum MacVicar on drums and Robert Tingle who I’d played with previously on bass. Throughout 2021 we wrote and rehearsed the material that became our first album before recording in early 2022. I couldn’t be happier with how the album turned out, with the exact feel and pace I was trying to achieve musically. I always wanted it to be viewed as a complete piece of work rather than a collection of singles, and Kat’s introspective yet relatable lyrics added an extra depth the music alone could not achieve.

3. Tell us about your next events

Kat and I are going back to our roots with an “acoustic” set on 17th Nov at Edinburgh Art Fair, which is held at the O2 Academy in Edinburgh. Also joining us is Rab Winter on 2nd guitar, bringing the little intricacies of our music to life. It should be a really interesting event and something a bit different for us, really looking forward to it. And we get to say we’ve played at the O2 Academy afterwards!

4. What do you like/find challenging about the Edinburgh music scene?

Edinburgh does have a lot of great venues, but I am saddened by the amount that have disappeared over the years. I played in original bands in Edinburgh back in 2010 and I feel like it used to be so easy to get a gig almost any night of the week, but that’s not really the case anymore. The opportunities are still out there though for people who are willing to put the work in, and putting on your own shows, working closely with other bands can be incredibly rewarding.

5. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I don’t think any of us have any crazy, lofty ambitions for this project, we just want to keep writing and performing the music we love, so as long as we are all still enjoying playing and writing together, I’d be happy with that. But hopefully by then we’ll have sold all the CDs that are being stored in my loft at least!

6. Can you recommend any organisations that help musicians/any that you receive help or advice from?

Honestly, my biggest source of help and advice is all of the friends and musicians I have played with over the years, learning from their experiences and working together to put on shows. There are some good organisations and initiatives out there though, such as Creative Scotland, Wide Days and Off Axis.

7. Who inspires you?

The band has such a wide range of influences which I kind of love, but for me I’m a big fan of American Football, John Frusciante and David Gilmour. If Tasting Shapes ever get described as “American Football meets Pink Floyd” I’d die happy. Anyone who plays at grassroots level though and keeps plugging away at their own music is an inspiration.

8. What advice would you give a musician at the start of the road?

Surround yourself with people you love to play and hang out with, and let that enjoyment spill into your music. It’s so much better watching a band performing well together and having a good time, rather than watching a stage of virtuosos who hate each other.

9. What do you like about Music in the Community

Organisations such as Music in the Community are pivotal to creating a vibrant local music scene. When anyone works with passionate volunteers who love what they are doing, that positivity rubs off on you, and building those meaningful connections is what makes the local music scene so special.


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